Demonic is a 2015 American horror film directed by Will Canon and written by Max La Bella, Doug Simon and Will Canon. The film stars Maria Bello, Frank Grillo, Cody Horn, Dustin Milligan, Megan Park, Scott Mechlowicz, Aaron Yoo, and Alex Goode.
A violent slaughter occurs in an abandoned house in Louisiana where three college students are found dead. Detective Mark Lewis (Frank Grillo) examines the crime scene and finds a shocked survivor, John (Dustin Milligan) before calling reinforcements. Several police cars then arrive at the house alongside an ambulance and a psychologist, Dr. Elizabeth Klein (Maria Bello). She talks to John, who tells her that a seance performed in the house called the attention of many spirits, including one he identified as his mother, and that two of the group members, consisting of his pregnant girlfriend and her ex boyfriend, are still missing.
The following scenes consist of two interlaced plots: one shows the interrogation of John by Dr. Klein and the investigation of videotapes found in the house by police officers, and the other shows the actual events (often filmed by a camera) that John and the five other visitors of the house experienced, including several paranormal phenomena.